@misc{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00001020, author = {小林, 久人 and コバヤシ, ヒサト and KOBAYASHI, Hisato}, month = {2016-02-17, 2016-02-17}, note = {Imprinted genes in mammals show monoallelic expression dependent
on parental origin and are often associated with differentially methylated regions
(DMRs). There are two classes of DMR: germline DMRs acquire gamete-specific
methylation in either spermatogenesis or oogenesis and maintain the allelic
methylation differences throughout development; secondary DMRs establish
differential methylation patterns after fertilization. Targeted disruption of some
germline DMRs showed that they dictate the allelic expression of nearby
imprinted genes and the establishment of the allelic methylation of secondary
DMRs. However, how the imprinting machinery recognizes germline DMRs is
unknown. As a step toward elucidating the sequence features of the germline
DMRs, I have determined the extents and boundaries of 15 germline
mouse DMRs (including 12 maternally methylated and 3 paternally methylated ones) in
12.5-dpc embryos and sperm by bisulfite sequencing. I found that the average
size of the DMRs was 2.7 kb and that their average G+C content was 54.2%.
Oligonucleotide content analysis of the DMR sequences revealed that, although
they are generally CpG rich, the paternally methylated DMRs contain less CpGs
than the maternally methylated ones. Furthermore, based on the SOM analysis,
I found that most germline DMRs have features distinct from typical mouse
sequences. My findings provide a basis for the further characterization of DMRs.
, application/pdf, 総研大甲第957号}, title = {Comprehensive characterization of differentially methylated regions associated with mouse imprinted genes}, year = {} }