@misc{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00001115, author = {杉原, 弘記 and スギハラ, ヒロキ and SUGIHARA, Hiroki}, month = {2016-02-17, 2016-02-17}, note = {Motion is a powerful source of three-dimensional (3D) information about visual objects. For example, we can easily identify the structure of rotating objects solely on the basis of motion signals. This phenomenon is called Structure-From-Motion (SFM) perception. But the neural mechanisms underlying SFM have not been fully clarified. In the present study, I studied if the dorsal division of the medial superior temporal area (MSTd) in the macaque, which contains many neurons sensitive to complex motion stimuli, has activity related to SFM processing. As the simplest form of 3D structure, I chose a planar stimulus, and examined the relation between the neural responses and the simulated 3D-orientation of the plane defined by motion cues.
I recorded from 114 MSTd neurons while monkeys were performing a visual fixation task. These neurons responded to a basic set of optic flow patterns such as translation, expansion/contraction, and rotation. I examined responses of these neurons to rotating plane stimuli that were composed of random dots and that simulated rotating planes with various 3D-orientations. The simulated 3D-orientation can be characterized by two parameters, namely, tilt and slant, and I examined whether the MSTd neurons exhibited selectivity to these two parameters.
I found that most MSTd neurons tested (97 out of 114) responded to the plane stimuli, and many neurons (65 out of 97) exhibited selectivity to tilt and/or slant. Of 97 neurons, 18% (17/97) were selective only to tilt, 24% (23/97) only to slant, and 26% (25/97) to both. Certain stimulus components such as local translation, local speed, local speed gradients and distribution of velocities vary together with the change in the tilt and/or slant. However, control experiments have rejected the possibility that selectivity is explained solely by the sensitivity to such components.
These results suggest that MSTd neurons are sensitive to stimulus features specific to the simulated 3D-orientation of the rotating plane stimuli and suggest that area MSTd is involved in SFM processing., application/pdf, 総研大甲第559号}, title = {Neural responses to the simulated 3D-orientation ofrotating planes in area MSTd of the monkey}, year = {} }