@misc{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00001166, author = {森島, 美絵子 and モリシマ, ミエコ and MORISHIMA, Mieko}, month = {2016-02-17, 2016-02-17, 2016-02-17}, note = {Corticostriatal pyramidal cells are heterogeneous in the frontal cortex. Here we show that subpopulations of corticostriatal neurons in the frontal cortex are selectively connected with each other based on their subcortical targets. Using paired recordings of retrograde-labeled corticostriatal neurons, we investigated the synaptic connectivity between two pyramidal cell types; (1) those projecting to the pontine nuclei with collaterals to the striatum (corticopontine cell, CPn cell) and (2) those projecting to both sides of the striatum (intratelencephalic crossed corticostriatal cell, CCS cell). CCS cells had reciprocal synaptic connections with each other and also provided synaptic input to CPn cells. However, reciprocal connections from CPn neurons to CCS cells were rarely found. CCS cells preferentially innerva ted the basal dendrites of other CCS cells but made contacts onto both the basal and apical dendrites of CPn neurons. The amplitude of synaptic responses was correlated with the number of contact sites in CCS-CCS pairs but not so in CCS-CPn pairs.
Interestingly, interconnected CCS cells often shared similar dendritic morphologies. Further investigation revealed that the dendritic morphologies of CCS neurons were correlated with their somatic depth within the cortex. These findings suggest that the two types of corticostriatal cells are hierarchically organized, and that intratelencephalic corticostriatal cells are segregated in a sublaminar fashion within layer V and often make connections with other CCS neurons sharing morphological similarities., 総研大甲第964号}, title = {Synaptic connection patterns between pyramidal cell subtypes in layer V of rat frontal cortex}, year = {} }