@misc{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00002171, author = {山本, 泰生 and ヤマモト, ヨシタカ and YAMAMOTO, Yoshitaka}, month = {2016-02-17, 2016-02-17}, note = {The thesis studies the logical mechanism and its computational proce- dures in hypothesis finding. Given a background theory and an observation that is not logically derived by the prior theory, we try to find a hypothesis that explains the observation with respect to the background theory. The hypothesis may contradict with a newly observed fact. That is why the logic in hypothesis finding is often regarded as ampliative inference.  In first-order logic, the principle of inverse entailment (IE) has been ac- tively used to find hypotheses. Previously, many IE-based hypothesis finding systems have been proposed, and several of them are now being applied to practical problems in life sciences concerned with the study of living or- ganisms, like biology. However, these state-of-the-art systems have some fundamental limitation on hypothesis finding: They make the search space restricted due to computational efficiency. For the sake of incompleteness in hypothesis finding, there is an inherent possibility that they may fail to find such sufficient hypotheses that are worth examining.   The thesis first provides such a practical problem, where those incomplete procedures cannot work well. In contrast, this motivating problem is solved by CF-induction, which is an IE-based procedure that enables us to find every hypothesis. On the other hand, complete procedures like CF-induction have to deal with a huge search space, and thus, are usually achieved by consisting of many non-deterministic procedures.   The thesis next shows an alternative approach for finding hypotheses, which is based on the inverse relation of subsumption, instead of entailment. The proposed approach is used to simplify the IE-based procedures by reduc- ing their non-determinisms without losing completeness in hypothesis finding. Together with this result, we logically reconstruct the current procedure of CF-induction into a more simplified one, while it ensures the completeness. Through the thesis, we will see underlying nature and insights to overcome limitations in the current lE-based hypothesis finding procedures., application/pdf, 総研大甲第1385号}, title = {Research on Logic and Computation in Hypothesis Finding}, year = {} }