@misc{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00003129, author = {山田, 敏史 and ヤマダ, トシフミ and YAMADA, Toshifumi}, month = {2016-02-17, 2016-02-17}, note = {The bulk matter Randall-Sundrum (RS) model is a setup where Standard Model (SM) matter and gauge fields reside in the bulk of 5D warped spacetime while the Higgs field is confined on the IR brane. The wavefunctions of the 1st and 2nd generation matter particles are localized towards the UV brane and those of the 3rd generation towards the IR brane, so that the hierarchical structure of the Yukawa couplings arises geometrically without hierarchy in fundamental parameters. This paper discusses observing signals of this model in the case where the Kaluza-Klein scale is far above the collider scale, but the model is combined with 5D Minimal SUSY Standard Model (MSSM) and SUSY particles are in the reach of collider experiments. A general SUSY breaking mass spectrum consistent with the bulk matter RS model is considered: SUSY breaking sector locates on the IR brane and its effects are mediated to 5D MSSM through a hybrid of gravity mediation, gaugino mediation and gauge mediation. This paper argues that it is possible to observe the signals of the bulk matter RS model through rare decays of ``almost SU(2) singlet mass eigenstates" that are induced by flavor-violating gravity mediation contributions to matter soft SUSY breaking terms., application/pdf, 総研大甲第1502号}, title = {Minimal Supersymmetric Bulk Matter Randall-Sundrum Model}, year = {} }