@article{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00003308, author = {眞山, 聡 and MAYAMA, Satoshi and TAMURA, Motohide and HAYASHI, Masahiko and HAYASHI, Saeko S and ITOH, Yoichi and ISHII, Miki and FUKAGAWA, Misato and OASA, Yumiko and KUDO, Tomoyuki}, issue = {6}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, We conducted sub-arcsecond near-infrared imaging observations of RNO91 with CIAO mounted on the SUBARU 8.2 m telescope. We present our JHK band data along with optical images, which when considered together reveal a complex circumstellar structure. We examined the colors of associated nebula and compared the geometry of the outflow/disk system suggested by our data with that already proposed on the basis of previous studies. Our K-band image shows bright circumstellar nebulosity detected within 2"(300AU) around the central source while it is less conspicuous at shorter wavelengths such as J and optical. P.A. and size of this red color nebulosity in our H-K color image agree with those of the previously detected polarization disk. These data agreement indicate that this bright circumstellar nebulosity region which follows the reddening law might be attributed to a disk-like structure. At J and optical wavelengths, several blue knot-like structures are detected around and beyond the bright circumstellar nebulosity. We suggest that these knotty reflection nebulae may represent disintegrating fragments of an infalling envelope. The three-color composite image has an appearance of arc-shaped nebulosity extending to the north and to the east through the central source. On the other end of this arc-shaped structure, the nebula appears to become more extended (2."3 long) to the southwest. We interpret these structures as roots of bipolar cavities opening to the northeast and southwest. The complex distribution of reflection nebulosity seen around RNO91 appears to confirm the interpretation of this source as an object dispersing its molecular envelope while transitioning from protostar to T Tauri star.}, pages = {1153--1160}, title = {SUBARU near-infrared multi-color images of Class II Young Stellar Object, RNO91}, volume = {59}, year = {2007} }