@article{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00003607, author = {蟻川, 謙太郎 and ARIKAWA, Kentaro and OZAKI, Koichi and TSUDA, Takanari and KITAMOTO, Junko and MISHINA, Yuji}, issue = {1}, journal = {Invertebrate Neuroscience, Invertebrate Neuroscience}, month = {Jun}, note = {This paper describes the primary structure of two visual pigment opsins (DfRh1 and DfRh2) in the regionalized compound eye of a dragonfly,Sympetrum frequens. The amino acid sequences were deduced from the nucleotide sequences of cDNAs isolated from a cDNA library of the dragonfly retina. The two opsins both consist of 379 amino acids with 81.3% identity. Analysis of hydropathy indicated that the sequences have seven transmembrane domains like those of previously described opsins. Expression analysis using RT-PCR revealed that DfRh1 was present only in the dorsal region whereas DfRh2 was detected in both the dorsal and the ventral regions of the eye.}, pages = {33--39}, title = {Two visual pigment opsins, one expressed in the dorsal region and another in the dorsal and ventral regions, of the compound eye of a dragonfly, Sympetrum frequens}, volume = {1}, year = {1995} }