@article{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00003645, author = {池内, 了 and IKEUCHI, Satoru and TOMISAKA, Kohji}, issue = {2}, journal = {Astrophysics and Space Science, Astrophysics and Space Science}, month = {Dec}, note = {The interaction of intergalactic-gas flow, which is assumed to be an incompressible fluid, with a rigid-body, spheroidal galaxy is examined analytically. The gas-flow patterns, the distributions of pressure at the surface of galaxy and some other quantities are calculated for the cases with and without viscosity. By use of results, we discuss the formation of HI ridges, trailing clouds and gas streams accompanying with galaxies, and the bending (or warping) of intersteller gas observed in spiral galaxies are analyzed. Some discussion on the Magellanic Stream is given.}, pages = {483--500}, title = {Interaction of intergalactic-gas flow with a rigid-body, spheroidal galaxy}, volume = {80}, year = {1981} }