@article{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00003948, author = {湯川, 哲之 and HAMADA, Keri-ji and HORATA, Shinichi and SUGIYAMA, Naoshi and YUKAWA, Tetsuyuki}, issue = {2}, journal = {Progress of Theoretical Physics, Progress of Theoretical Physics}, month = {Feb}, note = {The angular power spectra of cosmic microwave background are analyzed under the light of the evolutional scenario of the universe based on the renormalizable quantum theory of gravity in four dimensions. The equation of evolution is solved numerically fixing the power law spectrum predicted by the conformal gravity for the initial condition. The equation requires to introduce a dynamical energy scale about 1017GeV, where the inflationary spacetime evolution makes a transition to the big-bang of the conventional Friedmann universe. The quality of fit to the three-year data of WMAP implies the possibility to understand the observation by quantum gravity.}, pages = {253--262}, title = {Analyzing WMAP observation by quantum gravity}, volume = {119}, year = {2008} }