@article{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00004168, author = {蟻川, 謙太郎 and SUZUKI, Tatsuo and ARIKAWA, Kentaro and EGUCHI, Eisuke}, issue = {4}, journal = {Zoological science, Zoological science}, month = {Aug}, note = {The crayfish Procambarus darkii has a rhodopsin-porphyropsin visual system which varies with the seasons. The regulation of the composition of visual pigments was investigated by keeping the crayfish in various conditions of light and temperature. The chromophores of visual pigments were analysed by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). 3-Dehydroretinal (the chromophore of porphyropsin) disappeared rapidly when the animal was kept at 25℃ in the conditions of constant light or LD cycle but it did not change in the condition of constant darkness. A high proportion of 3-dehydroretinal was retained at 10℃ irrespective of light or darkness. The animals without Srdehydroretinal, which had been kept in the condition of LD cycle at 25℃ for one month, were transferred to the chambers of LD cycle at 10℃ and of constant darkness at 10℃ in order to study the biosynthesis of porphyropsin. 3-Dehydroretinal reappeared with a long time lag: 6 weeks in the condition of constant darkness and 14 weeks in the LD cycle condition. These experimental results explain well the seasonal variation of porphyropsin quantity already reported.}, pages = {455--461}, title = {The effects of light and temperature on the rhodopsin-porphyropsin visual system of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii}, volume = {2}, year = {1985} }