@article{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00005346, author = {高木, 仁 and TAKAGI, Hitoshi}, issue = {12}, journal = {総研大文化科学研究, Sokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies}, month = {2016-05-11}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、東ニカラグア自治州、ミスキート諸島海域の木造アオウミガメ漁船についての現地調査および研究結果を報告し、なぜ、このドゥーリ・ターラ(Dori Tara ミスキート語で大きな舟の意、以下同様)と呼ばれる木造船がこの地で展開しえたのかを議論する。とりわけドゥーリ・ターラの1)船体構造、2)建材、3)工具、4)建造法を明らかにし、近隣のカヌー・舟との比較を通して考察をおこなった。 その結果、ドゥーリ・ターラは、1)設計図・模型がなくとも、2)糸で直線や直角、平行線をとり(結果として直線的な印象をあたえ)、3)肋骨木は家の窓・ベランダ枠装飾用の木で巻き、廃材のような鉄筋で種々様々な角度と滑らかな曲線をとり、4)材木片からつくった木型をつかい、均一幅の肋骨木24列(肋骨48本・添え木50数本以上)をつくることで、堅強な木造船の生産を可能にしてきたことがわかった。 現代のドゥーリ・ターラとそれを用いたアオウミガメ漁は、ケイマン諸島のスクーナー船積載のキャットボートをただ模倣・改良し発展したわけではない。この海産物の競争が激しい地域において、村を維持するためには限られた工具と人材で強固な船を建造する工夫とその開発が必要である。ドゥーリ・ターラの原型の造船技術がこの地へ伝わってから約半世紀の間、海辺の村落では同型の船をいく艘も生産可能にするための造船上の工夫や技術が開発され、それらがこのドゥーリ・ターラ(大きな舟)をこの地に生んだ大きな要因であることが示唆される The green turtle fishing around the Miskito Cays, Eastern Nicaragua has been one of the major concerns of the program of conservation of endangered reptiles in the region. In this paper, I report on the boat structure, materials, tools and shipbuilding methods of the turtle fishing cayuko (Dori Tara, which means “big canoe” in Miskito) around the cays, based upon field observations. I will discuss why the use of the Dori Tara has spread widely throughout the coastal villages and how their construction is achieved in such remote areas. The summary of the results obtained shows that the Dori Tara, which can carry aroundone dozen green turtles, 1) is made without the use of a design plan or model; 2) that the angles between keel, stem, stern, and frame are measured using several strings; 3) that the smooth profile of the hull, including frame angles, is guaged by rebar and made of the type of flexible wooden plates used to make window frames in raised floor-type Miskito houses; and 4) that the uniformity of the 24 sets of frames and splints was created using a small piece of wooden mold. The turtle fishing cayuko and its use in the Miskito Cays has clearly been influenced by the Caymanian turtle fishing which lasted until the 60’s, However, the results showed thatthis influence is not the only cause for the continuation of turtle fishing along the coast.. In this region, where for long time the competition for marine resources has been fairly high, the coastal Miskitos have needed to devise methods for continuous boatbuilding in spite of the limitations imposed by their having few tools and un-automatized building methods. This has led to the widespread use of the turtle fishing cayuko in these coastal Miskito villages.}, pages = {139--163}, title = {東ニカラグア、ミスキート諸島海域の木造アオウミガメ漁船(Dori Tara / ドゥーリ ターラ、大きな舟)}, year = {}, yomi = {タカギ, ヒトシ} }