@article{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00005547, author = {永越, 信吾 and EIKOSHI, Shingo}, issue = {13}, journal = {総研大文化科学研究, Sokendai review of cultural and social studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、茨城県太平洋岸の製塩を主要な生業とする中世の海村について考古学の視点から考察するものである。海村は立地環境や利用可能な資源から様々な様相が想定されるが、ここでは茨城県中部の太平洋岸の砂丘上に立地する3つの遺跡について検討した。 釜屋、鹹水槽などの製塩遺構は海岸に近い場所にあり、海岸付近での塩田と一体となった製塩の場が考えられた。集落跡が確認できる村松白根遺跡では、製塩が行われていた場所よりもやや内陸側に建物が建てられた。建物跡では釜屋内で海水を煮詰めた土釜の部材である耳金、吊金が出土していることから、製塩に従事した人々が暮らしたことが確認できた。 村松白根遺跡の集落の期間は15世紀後半~17世紀前半で、当初は建物が散在していたものが、15世紀末~16世紀前半になると複数の建物に纏まる様相が看取された。この建物の棟数が増えた背景として製塩従事者の増加と、複数の集団が組織されたことを考えた。16世紀後半には、建物跡の方向がほぼ同じとなり、建物が整然と配置された形態となる。これに土手状の区画を伴う。そうした計画的な建物配置は17世紀前半まで続いた。各時期を通して、建物は1棟ないし主屋と付属建物から成る2棟構成であり、これが1家族の居住形態と考えた。 製塩遺構は集落の形成された時期から衰退期まで同一個所で変遷しており、製塩に必要な海水を得やすい海岸に近い所で製塩が行われていたことが分かる。 集落の居住者を埋葬した土壙墓もみられ、それらは群を成している。被葬者は乳幼児から老人まで確認でき、家族を埋葬した墓であることが分かる。副葬品には突出した優品はなく、集落居住者の階層は比較的均一であったと考えられる。 沢田遺跡、長砂渚遺跡でも釜屋や鹹水槽といった製塩遺構、土壙墓がみられ、集落跡は未確認であるが、村松白根遺跡と同様に製塩を主体とした海村と捉えることができる。 生業は製塩を主体とするが、集落内では骨角加工、鍛冶、漁撈、農耕等が副業的に行われていた。こうした複数の生業が海村の特徴の1つに挙げられる。村が単一生業のみで成り立つものではなかったことを示すものである。本稿では、砂浜沿いの製塩主体の海村について検討したが、このような村でも、複数の生業が確認でき、多様な生業の上に村が維持されていったことが考えられる。これを製塩主体の中世海村の一類型として提示したい。 This paper considers from an archaeological point of view the medieval coastal villages close to the Pacific coast of Ibaraki Prefecture that produced salt as their main means of subsistence. In all likelihood, medieval Japanese coastal villages varied widely depending on their geographical location and the available resources. This paper presents an analysis of three archaeological sites—Muramatsushirane, Sawada and Nagasunanagisa—located on sand dunes on what is now the central coast of Ibaraki Prefecture. As the salt-producing facilities at Muramatsushirane were distributed near the coast, it seems the tasks making up the salt-production process were conducted on the salt terraces themselves. At the settlements of the Muramatsushirane site, buildings were distributed inland of the salt-producing area. From the fragments of the clay saltpans used for boiling down seawater in the furnace hut found in these buildings, we can deduce that the buildings were likely inhabited by those who were engaged in salt production. The settlement at the Muramatsushirane site lasted from the second half of the 15th century to the first half of the 17th century. At the beginning of this period, the buildings were spread out; then, from the end of 15th century to the first half of 16th century, several clusters of buildings appeared. The increase in the number of buildings implies an increasing number of salt workers, and the presence of several salt-producing groups. Throughout the entire settlement period, each Muramatsushirane house consisted of either a single building or one larger and one smaller building, both of which are thought to constitute a single household. Also through all periods of the Muramatsushirane site, salt-making facilities were positioned in the same place near the shore, presumably to allow easy access to the seawater. Graves for settlement inhabitants were found on the site. The lack of any great differences among the objects buried along with the bodies suggests the existence of a relatively egalitarian social system within each village. At the Sawada and Nagasunanagisa sites, salt-producing facilities and grave pits were found, although settlements were not. As with Muramatsushirane, these sites can be classified as coastal villages that produced salt as their main form of subsistence, although it should be stated that daily life also involved fishery, agriculture, metalwork, and the making of tools out of bone and antlers. Indeed, as a coastal village could not be maintained through just one means of production alone, this reliance on multiple means of subsistence could be seen as an important characteristic of these villages. Thus the villages dealt with in this paper can be categorized as a type of medieval coastal village that produced salt as the primary, but not exclusive, means of subsistence.}, pages = {113--148}, title = {茨城県太平洋岸における中世の海村について ―製塩主体の海村の一類型―}, year = {2017}, yomi = {エイコシ, シンゴ} }