@techreport{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00005640, author = {HONGO, hitomi and 本郷, 一美}, month = {2013-05-20, 2017-12-08}, note = {22300306, application/pdf, 2010~2012, 研究成果の概要(和文): 本研究の目的は高精度の古環境情報を有効に抽出し、人工遺物や遺構などに関する考古学的な情報を統合する研究手法を確立することである。長野県のノンコ岩1岩陰と天狗岩岩陰遺跡において発掘調査を実施した。ノンコ岩1岩陰遺跡では、縄文晩期の遺物が出土した。天狗岩岩陰遺跡では、弥生時代前期から古墳時代前期までの文化層序が確認され、環境考古学的なデータを有効に抽出できた。人工遺物の他、多量の動・植物遺存体を採集し、C14年代測定、動植物遺存体の同定分析作業を実施した。 研究成果の概要(英文): The aim of the present research is to establish an archaeological research method to obtain high-resolution palaeoenvironmental data from prehistoric sites, as well as to integrate such bioarchaeological data with information obtained from other archaeological data. With this goal in mind, excavations were carried out at Nonko-iwa 1Rock shelter and Tengu-iwa Rock Shelter in Nagano Prefecture. At Nonko-iwa 1 Rock Shelter, no clear cultural layer was identified, although a few findings were dated to the Final Jomon Period. Pottery, stone and bone artifacts as well as faunal and floral remains were collected during the excavation of Tengu-iwa Rock shelter in 2011 and 2012 seasons. Based on pottery chronology, the cultural layers were dated to the period from Early Yayoi to Early Kofun Periods. Radiocarbon dating is also being carried out., 20303919 | https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/search/?qm=20303919, 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 研究代表者:本郷 一美[総合研究大学院大学先導科学研究科准教授]}, title = {岩陰遺跡の生物考古学的研究-長野県北相木村ノンコ岩I遺跡の学際的調査}, year = {} }