@misc{oai:ir.soken.ac.jp:00000853, author = {清見, 礼 and キヨミ, マサシ and KIYOMI, Masashi}, month = {2016-02-17, 2016-02-17}, note = {Enumeration is listing all objects that satisfy given properties. We call
enumeration of subgraphs of a given graph, such that those subgraphs have
specified properties, as subgraph enumeration. Similarly We call enumeration
of supergraphs of a given graph as subgraph enumeration. In this thesis, we will
consider about subgraph/supergraph enumeration algorithms. In areas such as
data mining or statistics, subgraph enumeration and supergraph enumeration
play important roles to find frequent patterns or to draw on some rules satisfied
by the inputs, etc.
We developed two types of algorithms of subgraph/supergraph enumeration
for chordal and related graphs; one searches graphs to be enumerated by an
edge addition or an edge removal; the other defines a neighbor of searching by
a simplicial vertex elimination, which is specific for chordal graphs. The first
type uses the fact that there are only O(n2) edges in a complete graph Kn,
and achieves polynomial time delay algorithms. We can use this method to
develop both subgraph enumeration algorithms and super graph enumeration
algorithms. The second type uses nice properties of simplicial vertices and the
fact that we can enumerate cliques in a chordal graph quickly. Using this type
of algorithm for chordal subgraph enumeration is faster than doing so using
the first type (it needs only constant time to enumerate each chordal graph).
However, this method is only for the subgraph enumeration.
The organization of this thesis is as follows. We first introduce enumeration,
focusing particularly on graph enumeration. Chapter 2 provides the preliminaries,
notes about terms that we use in this thesis, and explanations about graph
classes. In Chapter 3, we discuss the difficulties of our enumeration problems,
and explain the framework of the reverse search method. In Chapter 4, we
develop algorithms for our enumeration problems. These algorithms are based
on the reverse search method. They are of two types: one defines parents such
that the difference between a graph and its parent is exactly one, and the other
defines parents such that the parent of a graph is obtained by eliminating a
simplicial vertex. And, we conclude the thesis in Chapter 5., application/pdf, 総研大甲第998号}, title = {Studies on Subgraph and Supergraph Enumeration Algorithms}, year = {} }